Tasked with designing an app that would benefit those in the local area, I created Asheville Creative Spaces, an app to bring artists together by providing information about locations where they could work.


Marketing / Web Design

Photoshop, Illustrator

Asheville Creative Spaces
App Design

Utilizing aspects of material design and combinations of the Yelp and Behance UIs, I designed Asheville Creative Spaces. ACS is designed as a way for artists to find places to create, to find one another and for people to find their art.

View the mock-up on Marvel here:
Asheville Creative Spaces

UX Flow

Planning the flow of traffic through the site was biggest determining factor in the layout. The user needs to be able to scan the  screen and determine where the information they need can be found.

Logo Design

Using a combination of sacred geometry symbols that express utility, Asheville Creative Group is branded with a symbol that reflects it’s spirit of unique ingenuity.